Reopening Our Offices:
Interim Guidance For Employees

Dear team,

In light of positive developments over the last few weeks, Elite Financial is reopening its offices, However, we will enforce protocols that uphold the safety and health of our team and clients in mind.

We will provide detailed protocols in the coming days, However, the below dhart outlines expectations for returning and being in the office day after day. Please take note of these expectations prior to your return to the office.
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The Do's and Don'ts
When Returning To Work

The Do's

doDo maitain good personal hygiene in or outside office.

doDo wash your hands with soap and water.

doDo cover your mouth while coughing and yawning.

doDo clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

doDo see a doctor if you are feeling sick or unwell.

The Don'ts

don'tDon't touch coworker's belongings if not necessary.

don'tDon't forget to wash your hands when switching tasks.

don'tDon't have contact with live animals or raw meat.

don'tDon't go to work if you are having symptoms such as fever or cough.

don'tDon't touch high traffic areas with your hands.

Thank you everyone for your continued hardwork and
patience through these strange and difficult times.

From all of us at Elite Financial, stay safe!

For further information, call Elite Financial Corporation's 24/7
helpline number 1+ 234-567-8900 or email